Each December, we resolve to achieve awesome things in the new year. We’ll double our profits, get ten major clients, or hire A-list employees for every new job opening. Whatever our resolutions are, we start with the best of intentions, but over the course of the...
Advanced People Analytics Solutions
Advanced People Analytics Solutions
Enhance your workforce strategy with ZeroedIn’s People Analytics solutions. Our advanced tools deliver insights into employee performance, engagement, and productivity, supporting data-driven decisions that drive success. Discover how People Analytics can empower your HR team to create a more effective, engaged workforce.
How to Turn Business Metrics into Profits
Every day, whether or not we realize it, we are measuring things in order to make our lives better. From the length of our commutes to the size of our retirement plans to the amount of space left on our DVRs, we want to know where we stand and how to make it better....
Workforce Analytics: Where Lost Opportunity Knocks
Organizations are evolving faster than ever, and too many managers and HR leaders operate under the assumption that what they are doing is working. But is your company truly keeping up with the global economy that is emerging around it? To determine which strategies...
External Benchmarks: Your HR Litmus Test
If you’ve been in the business world long enough, you hear the term “benchmarking” tossed around quite a bit. According to Bain & Company, “The objective of benchmarking is to find examples of superior performance and to understand the processes and practices...
A Volcanic Disruption of Data
When you think of big data, any of the following phrases might come to mind: growth, explosion, flood, torrent, etc. With 2.7 zetabytes of data existing in the digital universe today, there’s no other way to describe the amount of data businesses are dealing with than...
The Data Made Me Do It!
Data science is all about the numbers, but those numbers always have a story to tell. For example, they can identify human capital risks, such as attrition and turnover, as well as future human capital demands like training and benefits. In this blog post, we have a...
A Story Tells A Thousand Pictures
While businesses become more adept at capturing big data, few are really leveraging data’s predictive power because they fail to take into account the context of that information. But that doesn’t stop them from producing charts and graphs to depict data. Don’t get us...
HR’s Incomplete Picture of Performance
Measuring human resources (HR) performance is a standard for successful organizations, but the challenge of HR measurement emerges when senior management asks HR to provide a holistic view of workforce performance. HR professionals generally respond to this challenge...
Corporate Data: The Big, the Bad, the Ugly
In recent years, data analytics technology has given businesses a window into valuable streams of information from inventory statuses to customer purchasing habits. These data acquisition successes along with the low cost of disk storage have led some companies to...
3 Steps to Ensure Your Workforce Analytics Data Works for You
We live in a big data world—and there’s good reason for it. Since data is used to help us make vital decisions about our businesses and lives, the information we collect through our software systems and platforms is as precious as gold these days. In the Human...