Where do you find the best information on workforce analytics? At a workforce analytics conference! ZeroedIn was recently a sponsor of the HCI Workforce Planning and Analytics conference in Atlanta,...
ZeroedIn Blog
Capturing Data Exhaust Without Asphyxiation
Data is disruptive. It has the potential to drive change as massive as the advent of the automobile. And like car exhaust, data analysis creates its own byproduct. In the analytics and reporting...
The Secret to the Most Productive New Hires
How fast can we bring our new hires up to speed? Do we need a 6 week on-boarding program? Or is 4 weeks enough to get them going and productive? If you don’t measure, you’ll never know. To find out...
Calculating the Cost of Absence
“I’m on vacation.” “I have a doctor appointment.” “My kid is sick.” Sound familiar? Between vacations, sick days, appointments and family obligations, there are a thousand and one reasons that your...
The Politics of Workforce Analytics
Workforce analytics is like a political campaign. You have your measurement strategy, information gatherers (pollsters), and a campaign manager who strategizes and directs the moving pieces of the...
HCI Workforce Analytics Conference – We’re a Platinum Sponsor!
With the new year comes new opportunities, and we’re excited to announce that ZeroedIn is now a Platinum Sponsor for the 2016 HCI Workforce Planning and Analytics Conference, one of the top...
The Secret to Success: Sharing Your Metrics
You want to get the most out of your workforce, and you know that measurements are the key. You gather the data, run the reports, and have your HR metrics in the palm of your hand. You may be...
Making Workforce Analytics Your New Year’s Resolution
Each December, we resolve to achieve awesome things in the new year. We’ll double our profits, get ten major clients, or hire A-list employees for every new job opening. Whatever our resolutions...
How to Turn Business Metrics into Profits
Every day, whether or not we realize it, we are measuring things in order to make our lives better. From the length of our commutes to the size of our retirement plans to the amount of space left on...