Productivity is consistently the top workforce insight that companies request from ZeroedIn. No wonder – employee productivity can mean the difference between a company succeeding, failing, or just...
ZeroedIn Blog
Top 10 Most Requested Workforce Analytics Insights
Every company wants better insight into their workforce. But what exactly are the insights that companies are looking for? We’ve organized them into the Top 10 most commonly requested workforce...
Predictive Workforce Analytics: The Positive Side of Profiling
No matter how smoothly the hiring process goes or how perfect a fit the new employee seems on paper, things don’t always work out. Some employees soar, and some never seem to find their footing....
Beyond the Infographic: Use Workforce Analytics To Create Powerful Presentations
If you feel like you see infographics all the time on social media, in emails, and when conducting an online search, you’re not imagining things – you probably are. Infographics are super popular...
How to Discover Untapped Potential In Your Workforce
When you lead a small company, you know everyone fairly well – including their strengths and weaknesses – and that gives you quite a competitive advantage. But then your company grows and you...
The Benefits of Dedicated Workforce Analytics Software
When you’re creating a new workforce analytics program, you may be tempted to use the business intelligence tools you already have to generate your workforce analytics. Why spend money on a whole...
Why Business Intelligence Isn’t Workforce Analytics
Every organization has one or more business intelligence (BI) tools or technologies. Their purpose it to mine and report essential information for your business, so it’s easy to assume that your BI...
How to Transition Workforce Analytics From Duck Works to Smooth Sailing
Have you ever watched a duck swim? It may look calm and effortless above the water, but below the surface, it’s paddling like mad to keep going. Remind you of anything? Many workforce analytics...
Head Count or Head Cost?
Companies place a lot of emphasis on getting an accurate headcount. This makes sense; employee headcount is a pretty basic metric, and looks like a good place to start a workforce analytics program....